What exactly is the tube filling machine principle?
An automatic tube filling machine is a device widely used in pharmaceutical industries. It is basically a machine which houses a tank to hold the semi-solid material that is to be filled, a pump to fill each tube that is attached to its mouth with the product and other little parts which help in this function. Usually an operator is required for changing the tubes and pressing the button that will fill it but apart from that, it is mostly automatic. There are a few advanced types available where everything is automatic but those are rare to find. The tube filling machine principle is such that it can fill any tube irrespective of its shape, size and capacity. These are the areas where tube filling machines are used often: Pharmaceutical industry: Medicinal semi-solid creams and lotions mostly come in tubes. Unlike cosmetic brands, they don’t come in bottles ever, which is why the broadest use of tube filling machines is seen in pharma companies. Tubes are needed often in the...